Specialization is for insects – don’t worry, you’re doing fine

It’s funny how your mind can play tricks on you..

I’ve previously written about my tendency to compare myself to others (fitness wise) and how that actually is really counterproductive. It really is, I now realize it and have quite successfully stopped it. I’m concentrating on finding successes in my own progress, seeing the results both in the stats of CF related scores and visually and mentally on how I look and feel.

If you’ve been following my blog from the start or know me, you are aware that I used to only run. For some years, that’s all I did. That’s how I started loosing weight and that’s how I started getting in shape. I ran five (or so) times a week (OK, maybe during the winter it was a bit less), the distances ranging from about 7km to 17km and only a bit over a year ago started training at the gym with a PT.

I was never really fast, but I have completed several half marathons and did improve the speed as well. So I can say that I was in great running shape. At any point I was able to easily run 15km. If needed.

At one point last year I started wanting more – fitness wise. I needed to be pushed, I needed to feel uncomfortable (you know, be outside of the comfort zone to know you’re doing something) and I needed the development. So I decided to give up  running as my main form of exercise and switch to CrossFit.

Best decision ever. Bar none.

The definition of CrossFit is “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement”. Or, as the Urban Dictionary says:

A bunch of rich white people paying $250/mo. to have an uncredentialed coach instruct them to have spasms with PVC pipe and siezures on pull-up bars until they vomit.

Hahaa, learn to spell before making fun of us 🙂 Anyway, back to the point.. Constantly varied. Key words here. My running was never varied, except sometimes in distance and just a tiny bit in speed. But not much.

Even though the same movements reoccur in CF training (kettlebell swings, burpees, box jumps, pull ups, push ups, sit ups etc.) they are mixed up differently to always have a new training. On top of the high intensity workouts, we train strength. A lot. Every day we have a different strength element in our training (unless when it’s replaced with a skill element, like ring skills or handstands etc., but it’s less frequent) like a different squat or deadlift or one of the olympic lifts.

Needless to say, this is completely different to what I used to do. And I’m finally getting to my point (I think I spend too much time alone, you know, a need to share… 🙂 )… Since I’ve been back in Finland, this is pretty much all I do. Apart from applying for jobs and hanging out with my family. So, obviously, I have seen quite a lot of development in different skills and in my strength. I feel great about it!

Until I went out for a jog when I was at our cottage last week. I was absolutely horrified about the fact how difficult it was (drumroll please for my stupidity) COMPARING IT TO WHAT I USED TO BE ABLE TO DO. For some time there, I completely neglected all the other aspects of fitness that I have improved SO MUCH in, and wallowed in gloomy depression of my deteriorated condition. Now how stupid is that!?

– Was I able to do a Turkish get up with a 20kg kettlebell a year ago – NO
– Was I able to deadlift almost 100kg a year ago – NO
– Was I able to stand on my head or on my hands a year ago – NO
– Was I able to do toes to bars a year ago – NO
– Was I able to clean and jerk almost 50kg a year ago – NO

The list goes on and on and I’m not gonna bore you with it, but I damn sure will remember it myself. Specialization is for insects and I can only go so far in life with just running (hihii, might be further than with the ability to lift stuff..).

As a conclusion, I will celebrate my achievements instead of wondering why everyone else has a six pack and beautiful legs just from doing CrossFit, I won’t be upset if I cannot run the Dam to Dam at the same speed this year as I did 2 years ago at my top running condition (when I ran 5 times a week, ate 1200 calories a day (eeeekkkkk!!!!!) and weighed 8 kilos less, damn that sounds unhealthy..), but I will add some longer jogs to my schedule to improve a bit on that aspect. Not to be a specialist, but to be fit.

Thanks for listening, stay healthy and happy, play and do sports and enjoy the summer! Oh, and most importantly, remember that the secret to getting a bikini body is to put a bikini on. You are all beautiful!